Guided PACE

Pattern Awareness, Connection and Engagement

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The PACE Program

The Guided PACE program is a supportive, trauma informed, self-awareness and resilience building tool. With PACE, you will practice becoming aware of patterns, connection, then engage in your unique purpose. You can get into the driver seat of your experience and build resilience. This program can be completed individually, in coaching or within a group.

Coaching & Soul Care

Jessica and Travis Vangsnes are certified Trauma informed Enneagram coaches. They offer private virtual guidance in the areas of marriage, family, trauma, soul care, and life coaching. They utilize attachment, and neuroscience theories. Sessions will help you grow and support you to press forward to your resilient wholeness from a Christian framework.


Shiny Eyes Retreats are based on a contemplative Christian approach. Glamping styles units available to rent in East TN. This 15 acre oasis offers a breathtaking view of English mountain, pastures, forest and fields. Nestled at the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains, this property boasts endless outdoor amenities within a short drive. Retreats are designed for silence and solitude or group soul care.

Helping individuals and families find their way to resilient wholeness through pattern awareness, connection, and engagement

of adults experience trauma or difficult family circumstances during childhood that impacts them later in life. ¹
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adults admit to dealing with feelings of helplessness or anxiety, yet do not know where to start the healing process. ²
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of Americans admit to feeling a lack of connection with themselves and their family and friends. ³
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“We are always in a perpetual state of being created and creating ourselves.”

-Daniel J. Siegel, the Developing Mind


Guided Pace is an important tool that can be utilized in so many different life-changing ways.  I think anyone and everyone could benefit from this program.

Jasmine Jennings

Guided PACE invites us to take the time to look at ourselves, our personality, ours past, our mindset, and see how our specific tendencies may be affecting our families. Taking the time to evaluate my own personality and parenting style has helped me see my family members in a new, more empathetic way. I truly believe this program can help every family.

Danny Smith

The Guided PACE program offers great explanations and simple tools.  It helped me to better understand myself and the different styles I am currently using in my relationships, especially with my family. With these tools I can now be more aware of unhealthy interactions and implement new tools to improve my communication  and relationships.

Julie Dotson